Parking Management and Consulting Services

Parking Managment

Ellis Parking Company operates 40 parking facilities in Grand Rapids, Flint, Kalamazoo and Lansing.

We handle all aspects of the parking operation, including property oversight, revenue control, and management of operating procedures, security and personnel. We also offer monthly parking in many of our lots for individuals and businesses. Our ultimate goal is to ensure that your parking facility operates at its optimum level while exceeding the expectations of your customers and community.

We pride ourselves on friendly, attentive service and quality parking facilities. Our commitment to employee training and the level of our principals’ involvement in daily operations are a few of the things that distinguish us from our larger competitors. We view our role as more than the collection of parking fees – we strive for the highest level of service possible to ensure a positive experience for your customers. 

Parking Planning and Consulting


Consulting is a value-added service that Ellis Parking provides. Our clients and local decision-makers routinely tap our expertise to design and recommend effective parking solutions and anticipate future operational challenges.  Ellis Parking also maintains a high level of involvement and cooperation with local parking commissions, government officials and merchants on issues of parking and community development. Ellis principals are often asked to share their knowledge and expertise of the parking industry and routinely provide pro-bono consulting services for private and municipal parking developments.